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XVIII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days

10.04. - 13.04.2007
at the department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Heidelberg.
Participants from other universities are very welcome!

Welcome to the Physics Graduate Days. The courses are open for advanced students, in particular those working on their Diploma and Ph.D. thesis. Our aim is to broaden the physics knowledge as well as to teach specialized techniques.

The Graduate Days take place for the 18th time this spring!

The courses are organized as parallel block lectures, with morning lectures from 9:30 to 12:30 and afternoon lectures from 14:00 to 17:00 including coffee breaks. There is also a free lunch each day included in your registration.

The following lectures were offered:

Morning Courses (9:30 - 12:30)

Thomas Schücker
(Université de Provence, Marseille)
Noncommutative Geometry Phil 12 gHS
Holger Gies (ITP, Universität Heidelberg),
Jörg Jäckel (Durham University)
PVLAS Experiment Phil 12 SR
Selim Jochim (MPI-K, Heidelberg),
Henning Moritz (ETH Zürich)
Creating new states of matter: Experiments with ultra-cold Fermi gases Phil 12 kHS
Marion u. Joachim Lammarsch
(Psycholog. Institut/URZ, Uni Heidelberg)
Publizieren und Präsentieren mit LaTeX A-Ue 3-5 CIP-Pool
Rüdiger Schmidt (CERN),
Hans-Christian Schultz-Coulon (KIP, Universität Heidelberg),
Ulrich Uwer (PI, Universität Heidelberg),
Raimond Snellings (NIKHEF, Amsterdam)
LHC: Physics, Machine, Experiments
A-Ue 3-5 Bib

Afternoon Courses (14:00 - 17:00)

Roman Pöschl
(LAL, Orsay)
Calorimeters in High Energy and Nuclear Physics A-Ue 3-5 SR1
Gerald Dunne
(University of Connecticut)
Effective actions Phil 12 gHS
Rachel Bean
(Cornell University)
Cosmic Microwave Background Phil 12 kHS
Ulrich Finke
(FH Hannover)
Atmosphärische Elektrizität Phil 12 SR
Christian Gutt
(DESY, Hamburg)
Einführung in die Physik der Röntgenstreuung A-Ue 3-5 Bib

Festvortrag - Hans Jensen Lecture

on Thursday, 12.04.2007, at 17:30 (s.t.)
Physikalisches Institut, Philosophenweg 12, Großer Hörsaal

"Dunkle Materie, Dunkle Energie (finstere Gedanken) -
Moderne Entwicklungen in der Kosmologie"


After the Festvortrag, we will have the d-fine barbecue!