Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Universität Heidelberg Fakultät für Physik XI Graduiertenkurse WiSe03/04 Organisatoren

XI. Heidelberger Graduiertenkurse Physik


Control Theory


JM Geremia

Lecture Notes (pdf-Format; 532 kByte)


The aim is to provide a background in control theory with the goal of addressing quantum control applications. The course will begin with techniques from classical control theory, such as loop shaping in the frequency domain. Then, this progresses to more advanced topics including quantum state estimation (introduction to quantum Kalman filtering) and feedback in the presence of backaction noise. As illustrations, adaptive measurements and unconditional spin-squeezing via broadband feedback control are utilized. I could also add in a short discussion of optimal control techniques such as those utilized in so-called “coherent molecular control” applications. If you have any particular topics that you would like to have addressed, I am of course completely open to any and all suggestions!


Last modified:05 Okt 2003 19:03:29 Ulrich Schmidt