Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Universität Heidelberg Fakultät für Physik XI Graduiertenkurse WiSe03/04 Organisatoren

XI. Heidelberger Graduiertenkurse Physik


Neutrinos in Astrophysics and Cosmology


Michael Kachelriess
MPI, Munich

Neutrino properties different than those predicted by the standard model of particle physics play an important role in may areas of astrophysics and cosmology. After a review of theoretical ideas why neutrino masses are so much smaller than charged fermion masses, I discuss their phenomenological implications. As final part of the introduction the current status of neutrino experiments is reviewed. In astroparticle physics, neutrinos are both crucial in probing our understanding of astrophysical and cosmological concepts and in constraining particle physics beyond the standard model. Main astrophysical examples considered are stellar evolution, type II supernovae and particle acceleration in cosmic accelerators. Finally, after a brief introduction to cosmology, Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis, leptogenesis and neutrinos as dark matter are discussed.

Last modified:16 Sep 2003 14:44:54 Ulrich Schmidt